Category : Funny
18 posts
Happy Thursday! Sorry I haven’t posted this week, but I have been a little busy! Here is what I did last weekend… FRIDAY We had my cousin Christina’s wedding that afternoon, and this was what I wore! I love maxi dresses! My cousins Ginanna (white dress in middle pic), Lucia (right pic), and Emma (left …
So we all have things others might not know about us. Here are 10 things you probably don’t know about me… [ONE] I am a loud chewer. It’s genetic. Just saying. [TWO] So my parents are both from the south so I have southern blood in me, well one thing I do is get cold …
Happy Friday beautiful people! Let’s see what I did this week… {ONE} It’s this peaches birthday today!!! Happy 14th Birthday Belle!!!!! Hope you have an AWESOME day!!! {TWO} For Colin and Josh’s birthday we went out for dinner and then took some photos!! It was so fun! I laughed so hard my stomach hurt! …
Today is my older brother Colin’s 18th birthday!!! You are finally an ADULT! Thanks for always making me laugh and answering my 1 million technology questions. Thanks for being a great example of a follower of Christ. Seeing you follow and serve God is such a joy to watch! Thanks for giving your honest advice on …
So I thought it would be fun to say 5 things, 4 true and 1 a lie. So I am going to say them and then you can comment below saying what one you think is the lie, and then I will update this post tomorrow and say what is the lie! Sound fun right? …
We got internet!! I am so excited to be back at this blogging thing! ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* So a few weeks ago, my brother Colin graduated from high school and we had a grad party for him. So here is a little bit of what we did. Note to self: Take more pictures. Friday: That …
I have seen these done all over the blog world so I thought it would be fun to do it myself. I got a lot of these ideas from other blogs. Age: 14 Birthday: December 27th Cookie: Mollasses Day of week: Friday Eyes: Brown. Really dark brown Favorite color: Pink Game of choice: Heads …
Hi and welcome to the fourth installment of my Favorite Series! Today we are talking movies! So yeah I am SO picky when it comes to movies and tv shows, and it drives my family nuts. But here are my current favorite movies… I love the Hunger Games movies (all my friends and family are …
So I have been thinking about memories a lot. Here are some that I laugh every time I remember them! 1: A couple of years ago my older sister Gillian had some friends over, so the rest of the family had to leave the house. My Dad, Colin(older brother), his friend Alex, Sophia(little sister), …
I have seen these posts done on a lot of blogs I read(like here and here), and loved the idea. So I thought I would do it too. So here are some weird things about me…. I can’t open up a pop can with it in my hand, it has to be on a table. I …