Category : Recipe
17 posts
I love frozen yogurt! Its pretty much ice cream, but you feel a little less guilty eating it! Here is the recipe. Enjoy! Mocha Almond Fudge Frozen Yogurt Serves 8 Ingredients: 1 container Vanilla Chobani Greek Yogurt Coffee concentrate (see note below) 1 tsp. vanilla extract 1/2 c milk (or whatever you prefer) chocolate …
This infused water is really refreshing and healthy! Here is how to make it… Cut up 1-2 limes (depends on how tart you like it), and I didn’t do this but cut off the peel so the water isn’t bitter. Then pit a cup or two of cherries and set aside. Get your pitcher and …
I love potato salad in the summer! This salad is easy and yummy! Enjoy! Potato Salad Serves 10 Ingredients: 5 lbs of potatoes (cubed) 5 hard boiled eggs (cubed) 1/2 cup mayo 1 tablespoon mustard 1 tsp Worcestershire sauce 1 tsp Tabasco (optional) 1 tsp parsley or dill Instructions: Boil the potato and eggs until …
My family has been making this dip for years, and we love it! I think it came from my dad. Here is how to make it… Here are your ingredients: (I will put the exact measurements at the bottom of the post) Softened Cream Cheese Finely Chopped Green Olives Olive Juice (straight from the …
So no recipe today. The recipe I was trying still needs a little tweaking, but I am going to share some dessert recipes I have been pinning lately! (My Pinterest username is this1blogelise). First off the pictures will make you hungry. You have been warned. These Sour Cream Doughnuts from Handle The Heat, …
I love making and eating popsicles! These are refreshing and really easy to make! What I love about putting seltzer in the popsicles is that the fizz causes them to pop out of the mold a little bit, thus be easier to get out of the mold! I hope you enjoy …
So I am switching it up a bit today! I am linking up with Erika, Andrea, and Narci for their Friday favorites link up! So lets do this! Getting my hair cut Wednesday was defiantly a FAVORITE! My hair is so thick it took the stylist about 20-30 minutes just to dry it! #thickhairproblems One of …