Category : Blogs
10 posts
Hey there!! How was your week? Mine was pretty good and I am ready for the weekend! Here is what I did… {ONE} SO MANY PLUMS!!! Those in the picture above were just from the ground. We made plum butter, have been snacking on them, and giving them away! What fruit trees do you have? …
Hey!! It seems like forever since I have done one of these posts! I am linking up with Erika, Andrea, and Narci for Friday Favorites and also linking up with Christina, Natasha, April, and Darci for 5 on Friday! Let’s do this! {ONE} Have you guys tried Mio? I love it in regular water or in seltzer …
1: Jesus. This year has been the hardest but the best year yet. I have learned so many things and have grown stronger in my faith and just learned a lot about myself. I love how God can change something really hard into something SO beautiful that you have to take a second glance! 2: …
I have seen these done all over the blog world so I thought it would be fun to do it myself. I got a lot of these ideas from other blogs. Age: 14 Birthday: December 27th Cookie: Mollasses Day of week: Friday Eyes: Brown. Really dark brown Favorite color: Pink Game of choice: Heads …
So no recipe today. The recipe I was trying still needs a little tweaking, but I am going to share some dessert recipes I have been pinning lately! (My Pinterest username is this1blogelise). First off the pictures will make you hungry. You have been warned. These Sour Cream Doughnuts from Handle The Heat, …
Happy Friday y’all! (I may be from Minnesota but I have southern talk running through my blood). I am linking up with Christina, April, Darci, and Natasha! Let’s do this… {ONE} We had a women’s brunch last Saturday at our church. There was a yogurt bar and Panera bagels and spreads! SO good! There were …
Happy Good Friday Lovelies! As usual I am linking up Christina, Natasha, Darci, and April. Let’s do this… {ONE} My view last Friday evening. It was so relaxing after an afternoon of working! Potato recipe here. {TWO} This is what you do in the car, while waiting for your family. {THREE} Grilled burgers with …
So today I am just going to talk about a bunch of random stuff. Brace yourselves… {One} Need to laugh today? Because if you do I have just the thing. THIS video. I laughed so hard my sides hurt! Definitely worth a watch. {Two} I have gone pinning crazy on Pinterest(my username is this1blogelise)! I think …
Here are the blogs I look at on a daily basis. I love reading these blogs and these women all have been a inspiration to me! the girl in the red shoes Little Baby Garvin North Carolina Charm Leah With Love The Slaughters Mix and Match Family The Newly Cheers Y’all Meet the Sullivans Bower …