Yeah, its Friday!!! BEST day of the week. I am excited because we have friends coming over and it’s FRIDAY! I am linking up with Christina, April, Darci, and Natasha. Let’s do this…




Sunday afternoon I went on a bike ride and it was really beautiful. The trail I went on has a little bridge so I stopped and wrote for a little bit. It was really nice to recharge and just be in the sun!


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I don’t know why but I find this phrase so funny! It may or may not be hanging in my room.


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What do you do when you are bored and don’t feel like reading? Take weird photos of yourself, of course! That is just how I roll.




Last Saturday was national pie day, so I spent it eating chocolate pudding pie and watching Mockingjay Part 1(!) with my *two older sisters!

*One of them is a good friend that we adopted into the family. Hi, Rachel!


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I had this for lunch last Friday and it was so good! Pesto chicken, sunflower seeds, cheese, Italian dressing, bell pepper, and spinach.

How was your week?
