Category : Favorite Series
11 posts
Welcome to the last installment of my favorite series! Today we are talking apps, I would love to see your favorites so feel free to share yours in the comment section! Holy Bible I love the You Version app! I love it when I want to look up a bible verse but prefer the …
Hey!! It seems like forever since I have done one of these posts! I am linking up with Erika, Andrea, and Narci for Friday Favorites and also linking up with Christina, Natasha, April, and Darci for 5 on Friday! Let’s do this! {ONE} Have you guys tried Mio? I love it in regular water or in seltzer …
Happy Thursday!! Today I am talking books, so here are my favorites… The Hunger Games I love the books but also love the movies! Tell me what popular franchise do you love? My Chocolate Year I love this book, and have probably read it 5 times! It is a really easy read and funny! …
Today I am talking about flowers! Here are my favorites.. Roses Red, white, or pink I love them all. Peonies Just beautiful. Tulips We have yellow and red ones in our yard and they are just beautiful! Baby Breath So simple and pretty! Daisies Bright and cheery! What are your favorite flowers?
Today we are talking about games! I love playing games but my family really aren’t really game people so I don’t play a lot, but I do have my favorites! Clue I don’t play this one very often but love it! LIFE When Sophia and I play we always have a competition to see …
Hey!! So we won’t have internet till Monday, but I decided to go ahead and start up again. I have a lot of fun posts coming your way soon, so stay tuned! Today I am talking about drinks. Here are my favorites…. Coffee Also in the coffee category comes… Mint Condition Mochas (blended, with milk …
Hi and welcome to the fourth installment of my Favorite Series! Today we are talking movies! So yeah I am SO picky when it comes to movies and tv shows, and it drives my family nuts. But here are my current favorite movies… I love the Hunger Games movies (all my friends and family are …
Welcome to my third installment of my Favorites Series! Today I am talking quotes! (Note: I got all of my pictures from my Pinterest board “Quotes”, my username is this1blogelise). Here we go… 1) Love this! I want to be that woman that always starts her day with Jesus! 2) Have you ever had …
Welcome to another week of the Favorites Series! Today we are talking nail polish! My favorite nail polish brand is Sally Hansen Miracle Gel. My nails are weak, flimsy, and split and I love the way the nail polish makes my nails feel. I love the shine and smoothness of the polish. Here is …
This the first post for my Favorites Series! I have bible verses that I just LOVE and that just make me think or touch my heart. Here they are… Isaiah 41:10 1 Peter 2:9- But ye are a elect race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, that ye may …