Category : 5 on Friday
12 posts
Hey there!! How was your week? Mine was pretty good and I am ready for the weekend! Here is what I did… {ONE} SO MANY PLUMS!!! Those in the picture above were just from the ground. We made plum butter, have been snacking on them, and giving them away! What fruit trees do you have? …
Happy Friday! I have my cousin’s wedding today, and a leadership retreat the rest of the weekend! What are your plans? Here is what I have been up to this week… [ONE] It has been really cold this week. It feels like fall! What has the weather been like for you? [TWO] Did you see …
Happy Friday beautiful people! Let’s see what I did this week… {ONE} It’s this peaches birthday today!!! Happy 14th Birthday Belle!!!!! Hope you have an AWESOME day!!! {TWO} For Colin and Josh’s birthday we went out for dinner and then took some photos!! It was so fun! I laughed so hard my stomach hurt! …
Happy Friday Y’all!! What are your plans for the weekend? Here are my favorites from the week… {ONE} I got Caribou with my dad and brother last Friday! It was so good! {TWO} Also I am obsessed with these. (You can find them at Walmart for a few bucks!) {THREE} On Monday I went biking …
Happy Friday! Today is extra special because my mom and brother are back from their mission trip!! I am super excited to catch up with them today! What are your plans? Let’s see what my week looked like… {ONE} First and foremost, addicted to this song! I have played it so much my older sister …
Hey!! It seems like forever since I have done one of these posts! I am linking up with Erika, Andrea, and Narci for Friday Favorites and also linking up with Christina, Natasha, April, and Darci for 5 on Friday! Let’s do this! {ONE} Have you guys tried Mio? I love it in regular water or in seltzer …
Happy Friday y’all! (I may be from Minnesota but I have southern talk running through my blood). I am linking up with Christina, April, Darci, and Natasha! Let’s do this… {ONE} We had a women’s brunch last Saturday at our church. There was a yogurt bar and Panera bagels and spreads! SO good! There were …
IT’S FRIDAY! As usual I am linking up with Christina, April, Darci, and Natasha! {ONE} I got Melanie Shankle‘s new book ‘Nobody’s Cuter Than You‘! I am on chapter 7 and I really like it so far! I would definitely recommend it! {TWO} I saw this on Pinterest yesterday and loved it! I just think this …
Happy Good Friday Lovelies! As usual I am linking up Christina, Natasha, Darci, and April. Let’s do this… {ONE} My view last Friday evening. It was so relaxing after an afternoon of working! Potato recipe here. {TWO} This is what you do in the car, while waiting for your family. {THREE} Grilled burgers with …
Yeah it’s FRIDAY!! I am linking up with Christina, Darci, April, and Natasha for 5 on Friday! Let’s do this… {ONE} A homemade blended caramel frappe’ and polka dotted leggings are my ideal Sunday night! {TWO} I have lately been eating popcorn and watching The Bill Engval Show at night. Perfection. {THREE} For Christmas Gillian (older …