Category : Coffee
8 posts
Hey there!! How was your week? Mine was pretty good and I am ready for the weekend! Here is what I did… {ONE} SO MANY PLUMS!!! Those in the picture above were just from the ground. We made plum butter, have been snacking on them, and giving them away! What fruit trees do you have? …
I love frozen yogurt! Its pretty much ice cream, but you feel a little less guilty eating it! Here is the recipe. Enjoy! Mocha Almond Fudge Frozen Yogurt Serves 8 Ingredients: 1 container Vanilla Chobani Greek Yogurt Coffee concentrate (see note below) 1 tsp. vanilla extract 1/2 c milk (or whatever you prefer) chocolate …
Happy Friday Y’all!! What are your plans for the weekend? Here are my favorites from the week… {ONE} I got Caribou with my dad and brother last Friday! It was so good! {TWO} Also I am obsessed with these. (You can find them at Walmart for a few bucks!) {THREE} On Monday I went biking …
1: Jesus. This year has been the hardest but the best year yet. I have learned so many things and have grown stronger in my faith and just learned a lot about myself. I love how God can change something really hard into something SO beautiful that you have to take a second glance! 2: …
So every few months we go to the cities and my mom and sister get their hair cut. So we decided to make it a family day outing. Here is what we did… It all started with me being shoved in the back of the car with these crazies. I will tell you it wasn’t …
Hey!! So we won’t have internet till Monday, but I decided to go ahead and start up again. I have a lot of fun posts coming your way soon, so stay tuned! Today I am talking about drinks. Here are my favorites…. Coffee Also in the coffee category comes… Mint Condition Mochas (blended, with milk …
Yeah it’s FRIDAY!! I am linking up with Christina, Darci, April, and Natasha for 5 on Friday! Let’s do this… {ONE} A homemade blended caramel frappe’ and polka dotted leggings are my ideal Sunday night! {TWO} I have lately been eating popcorn and watching The Bill Engval Show at night. Perfection. {THREE} For Christmas Gillian (older …