Happy Thursday! Sorry I haven’t posted this week, but I have been a little busy! Here is what I did last weekend…
We had my cousin Christina’s wedding that afternoon, and this was what I wore! I love maxi dresses!
My cousins Ginanna (white dress in middle pic), Lucia (right pic), and Emma (left pic), Sophia and me at the reception! Fun Fact: Lucia, Emma, and their sister Julia are triplets!
The boys dancing!
Emma and I were excited to dance!
Colin took my iPod and got this selfie! (This happened a lot to me last weekend!)
There weren’t really any girls their age at the wedding so they danced together.
The dollar dance. All the kids got dollar bills and were so excited!
Solomon danced with my cousin Lucia, so sweet!
I had a youth leadership retreat Saturday-Sunday morning. I know super weird selfie, but I was tired and was waiting for the boys to wake up.
After breakfast, talking, and devos we went on the pontoon!
So the boys went for a swim, and just after this picture the boat wouldn’t start for like 15-20 mins. Finally it did but it took some effort!
This girl grabbed my iPod and took selfies all day on Saturday!
The boys throwing stuff.
Maggie and I after our one-on-one soccer match, which ended fast due to me tripping and scraping up my leg, and to this day still have a pretty gross wound. After this we planned for the 2015-2016 youth group year! It was so fun! It is going to be a great year.
At like eleven we played Apples to Apples! If you are wondering, I lost.
Maggie and I slept in the boat house, while the boys slept on the pontoon (they actually said it was awesome!), here was my view falling asleep! And at like 1am the wind blew so hard both doors opened so I had to get up and close them. Ha!
I got up early to get ready for church, can you tell I’m tired?! We went to church then I came home, FaceTimed my friend Megan, and then chilled the rest of the day! How was your weekend?
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